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Project Management

The innovation and transformation of corporate strategy is not a simple battle, but a complex and

 continuous battle.

In the process of strategy implementation, we are often faced with a situation where multiple

 tasks and multiple projects go hand in hand. This requires enterprises to establish a program

 management mechanism, and program management is the unified integration and coordination 

of multiple projects based on project management.

The core of project management is the unified planning, organization, coordination and control of

 all projects, and unified management of project resources, time, cost and other elements.

Project management consists of eight modules: plan and schedule management, scope and 

change management, problem and risk management, resource management, quality 

management, communication management, document management, and training and knowledge 


Planning and managing progress are the primary tasks of project management.

The project plan is the compass and metronome for the overall progress of the project. 

When making a plan, it is necessary to comprehensively consider many factors such as the goal,

 scope, resources, time and cost of the project, list the main plan of the project and the detailed

 plan of each module, and divide the tasks and milestone nodes of each stage of the project.

After having a plan, check the progress of the project according to the project plan, and judge 

whether the actual progress meets the requirements of the plan. This is progress management. 

If it is found that the actual progress of the project is inconsistent with the planned progress, 

the reasons shall be analyzed in time, and necessary measures shall be taken to adjust and correct 

the progress.

Project scope management is to clearly define the work boundary and work scope of the project 

on the premise of clear project objectives.

For any project, there needs to be a clear and clear project scope. The overall plan, schedule, 

cost and resource input of the project are all subject to the size of the project scope. Therefore, 

in the process of implementation, if the scope of a project needs to be adjusted, 

whether it is expanded, reduced or changed, it means that it will affect all elements of the project.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish a standardized project scope evaluation, change and 

approval mechanism, and treat the project scope changes with caution.

In the process of project implementation, various problems will always be encountered, 

which will affect the progress of the project. At the same time, there will also be various risks that

 may adversely affect the project in the future.

Problem and risk management is to establish a special problem and risk management mechanism, 

solve existing problems in the project execution process in a timely manner, identify and actively 

prevent possible risks in advance, and ensure that the project can be better and better on the 

original planned time track. Proceed smoothly.

Project resources include corresponding human resources, time resources, financial resources, 

material resources, logistics support, etc. that match the project scope and project plan 

advancement, which are the basic guarantee for the smooth progress of the project.

The key point of project resource management is to make a resource plan that matches the entire 

project scope and plan before the project is started; and to adjust the resource allocation in time

 by matching the project progress and whether there are changes during the project execution 


Project quality management refers to the process of quality control, review and management of 

process documents, staged delivery documents, and final delivery documents generated during 

the entire project advancement process.

During the project management process, relevant quality standards should be established, and 

the output of the project should be regularly evaluated according to the standards.

It is required to evaluate and review the quality of the output results at each output node of the 

project advancement process to ensure that the quality of staged delivery meets the quality 

standard requirements, thereby ensuring the quality of final delivery.

Project communication management refers to the way of communication within the range of 

members involved in the project through various methods such as meetings, training, interviews, 

presentations or one-to-one communication. Through project communication management, 

we can timely understand the situation, transmit information, and realize the management of the

 change of the thinking mode of project team members.

Therefore, communication management is particularly important in project management. 

The project should establish a comprehensive and complete communication management 

mechanism, from the formulation of the communication plan, to the monitoring of the execution 

of the communication, the periodic review of the communication results, and the optimization 

and improvement of the communication plan. Improve the ability and level of project 

communication management.

Project document management, including document planning, approval, quality control, 

archiving, etc.

During the progress of the project, various phased results and final overall deliverables will be 

produced, which are project assets.

Many project results are presented through documents, so document management is also 

project asset management, which must be paid attention to.

Training and knowledge transfer refers to the training of project team members and members 

of relevant functional departments based on the results of each stage of the project, related 

organizational changes, job responsibilities, working mechanisms and process changes in the

 process of enterprise transformation and transformation, so as to help the project achieve better 

results. It also helps the project team and other employees of the company to learn and grow 


In a word, project management is a branch of management science, and it is a management 

method adopted to better achieve a specific goal within a specific time and within a specific 

scope. It has mature methods, tools and systems.

When enterprises are faced with multiple tasks and multiple projects at the same time, they 

can carry out program management on the basis of project management, better coordinate

 the relationship between various projects, and comprehensively promote the better 

implementation of projects and achieve results.

Therefore, in the process of corporate strategic transformation and innovation, we should pay 

special attention to the management of program groups and projects, in order to escort the 

successful implementation of the strategy.